Stay in touch with Ferrari Chic on Twitter for her latest updates
and win a cool giveaway!

After starting my small shoe business many (almost all) articles of my shoe collection have been sold out, but seen that I just have few pieces in stock I decided to give to one of my best followers one pair for free!
Hurry up! The giveaway will end in 30 days, the 30th of April. 
Wish you all good luck!

Details about the item:
• Authentic suede upper,
• leather lining,
• red outersole,
• 11 cm self-covered heel,
• 2 cm hidden platform.
Pictures of the prize (click on the picture to enlarge it!) :

Note: the shoe size in stock that I am offering for this giveaway is a european 40 size worth €250,00. 
Please, check the chart below to verify correspondence:

To award the winner it is necessary the participation of at least 500 followers! If the comments below will be less than 500 the gift will not be assigned! 

3 commenti:

  1. great giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://anitce.blogspot.com/2013/04/fashion-weekend-skopje-ss2013.html

  2. Thanks! This giveaway was gonna be kind of a challenge..you know, due to the shoe size. I mean...A 40 european size doesn't suit everybody, right? hehe... Take care! Xx

  3. great giveaway!
    Naama A
    nam12 [at] walla.co.il
