Cheetah girl

Today it is the fourth day of Viareggio's carnival. Going to the floats parade is a real challenge, for there are a lot of people and you are supposed to be standing over a long-hour period. That is why I chose a comfortable look but decided to add a touch of cheetah print just to keep the mood of dressing up for carnival! 

Usually, most people are wearing costumes at carnival and the animal print is always a trend (usally fake fur costumes), nevertheless, since I didn't have my carnival costumes at my disposal this day I opted for a comfy, casual look just to keep to the topic.

I am sure that with this touch of animal print I will not pass unnoticed.What do you think? Can you perceive my carnival and cheerful spirit through this OOTD? I adore animal prints! particularly when it comes to the Leopard print!

Hope you like it! 

Sun glasses: Okley
down: Toy G
Suit pants: Toy G
shoes: Zara

2 commenti:

  1. wowwwwwwwww you look beautiful and stylish dear!! tnx or your coment on my blog Im following you now-kisses

    1. Thank you very much Rusevska! I'm really glad you liked it! If you have twitter follow me there, i'll follow you back! ^__*
